Justin  Moscarello
  • Assistant Professor
Research Areas
  • Affective Science
  • Behavioral & Cellular Neuroscience

Research Interests

  • Neural pathways of learning and memory
  • Active avoidance behavior and  aversively motivated action
  • Disorders of emotional memory (PTSD)

The brain contains multiple memory systems. While these systems often work together, they can also compete to influence behavior. A frightening emotional memory can render you immobile, even if  you know from experience that action is needed to keep you safe. How does your brain resolve this conflict? What are the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms by which an adaptive balance is struck? What factors allow one form of memory to win out over another? These questions are the focus of study in the Moscarello Lab.

Active avoidance behavior is the primary model paradigm we use to explore conflict between different types of memory. This task requires the subject to resolve contrasting forms of learning in order to produce adaptive behavior. To understand this phenomenon, we conduct behavioral experiments informed by learning theory and combine this approach with cutting edge neuroscientific techniques (e.g. DREADDs, optogenetics, etc). Our goal is to illuminate the basic structure and function of memory systems in the mammalian brain, as well as to understand the implications of our data for clinical issues such as trauma, anxiety and resilience.

Affiliated Research Cluster

Neuroscience. Memory systems; psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of emotional memory; rodent models.
Affective Science. Control and fear; aversive memory.


Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 2-3PM


Accepting Students for 2024-2025?: Yes


Memberships: Institute for Neuroscience

Selected Publications

    • Oleksiak CR, Plas SL, Carriaga D, Vasudevan K, Maren S, Moscarello JM (2024) Ventral hippocampus mediates inter-trial responding in signaled active avoidance. Behavioural Brain Research, 470: 115701.
    • Guerra DP, Wang W, Souza KA, Moscarello JM (2023) A sex-specific role for the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in proactive defensive behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology, 48: 1234-1244.

    • Moscarello JM, Penzo M (2022) The central nucleus of the amygdala and the construction of defensive modes across the threat imminence continuum. Nature Neuroscience, 25: 999-1008.

    • Oleksiak CR, Ramanathan KR, Miles OW, Perry SJ, Maren S, Moscarello JM (2021) Ventral hippocampus mediates the context dependence of two-way signaled avoidance in male rats. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 183: 107458. 
    • Moscarello JM (2020) Prefrontal cortex projections to the nucleus reuniens suppress freezing following two-way signaled avoidance training. Learning & Memory, 27: 119-123.
    • Moscarello JM, Hartley CA (2017) Agency and the calibration of motivated behavior. Trends in Cognitive Science, 21(10): 725-735.