Wendy Jepson
  • University Professor
  • Director, Environmental Programs and Environment and Sustainability Initiative


Dr. Wendy Jepson holds a University Professorship in the Department of Geography at Texas A&M University, where she has been on faculty since receiving her Ph.D. in Geography from UCLA in 2003. Currently, she is the Director for the Environment and Sustainability Initiative and Environmental Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences. She is a Fellow of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Jepson was a Fulbright Scholar (2016-2017) and AAAS Leshner Fellow for Public Engagement (2018-2019). Her research addresses contemporary debates in human-environment interactions, water security, and environmental governance. She is Editor-in-Chief for Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water (WIRES Water) (IF 8.2), a highly ranked review journal for the interdisciplinary water research. Jepson leads several research projects and institutional initiatives on water insecurity, generating over $9 million in grants and awards from NSF, private sources, and internal awards to support her research agenda. She led the NSF-funded Household Water Insecurity Experiences Research Coordination Network (HWISE-RCN, 2018-2024), an international community of scholars and practitioners dedicated to advance research and work in the interdisciplinary field of water insecurity. Her most recent award is for a $4.6M project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to launch a national center of excellence in humanities-based, trans-disciplinary and community-engaged research on environmental crises and their disproportionate social and economic effects on vulnerable communities.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Geography, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003
  • M.A., Geography, Syracuse University, 1997
  • B.A., History and Geography (Honors), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994

Awards & Honors

  • 2023    Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • 2022    Fellow, American Association of Geographers (AAG)
  • 2021    Fellow, Chancellor’s Enhancing Development and Generating Excellence in Scholarship
  • 2019    University Professorship, Office of the Provost, Texas A&M University
  • Student Government Open Access Award, Texas A&M University
  • 2018    Dean’s Distinguished Achievement in Research, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University
  • 2018    Leshner Fellow for Public Engagement (Water and Food Security), American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC
  • 2018    Marisco Visiting Scholar, University of Denver
  • 2016    U.S. Fulbright Scholar, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
  • 2016    Faculty Recognition, U.S. Veteran Resource and Support Network, Texas A&M University
  • 2015    Enhancing Diversity Award, Association of American Geographers
  • 2013    Richard Stadelmen Faculty Senate Service Award, Texas A&M University Faculty Senate
  • 2006    Montague Center for Teaching Excellence Scholar, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University, including a $5,000 grant for undergraduate education

Selected Publications

  • Please check out my Google Scholar profile for full publication record.

Selected Grants and Awards

I have generated over $9M as PI or Co-PI in grants and contracts to support my research activities, postdoctoral researchers, and students. Major sources have included the National Science Foundation, National Academies of Science, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, UN FAO, a private company (NextERA Energy Resources), and USAID.

Recent Projects

  • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, “LatinTX: Place, Race, and Latinx Critical Environmental Justice in Texas” $4,570,000. PI: Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, Co-PI: Wendy Jepson, Omar Rivera (Jan 2025-Dec 2030). Awarded.

  • Texas A&M University-TiCER Pilot Projects Program, Geospatial Modeling of Climate Change Effects on Localized Environmental Health Resilience in Southeast Texas Communities along the Gulf Coast, Total Award; $50,000. PI: Lei Zou, Co-PI: Wendy Jepson, Heng Cai, Qingsheng Wang, Shankar Chellam, Qi Ying, Michelle Meyer, Siyu Yu, Natalie Johnson, Itza Mendoza-Sanchez. Awarded

  • Climate-LEAD: Climate Effects on Localized Environmental Health Disparities in Overburdened Texas Communities along Gulf Coast." Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), Total Award: $1,499,990. PI: Lei Zou (TAMU). Co-PI: Wendy Jepson, Heng Cai, Qi Ying, Shankar Chellam, Qingsheng Wang, Michelle Meyer, Siyu Yu, Natalie Johnson, Itza Mendoza-Sanchez. Awarded – 5/2023 – 5/2026.

  • Planning: SCC-CIVIC-PG Track A: Community-Science Partnership to Enhance Stormwater Adaptation under Climate Change, National Science Foundation ($50,000) (Jepson PI; A. Ponette-González, University of North Texas, Co-PI; Lauren Fischer, University of North Texas, Co-PI; Fouad Jaber, Co-PI; Becky Bowling Grubbs, Co-PI), Awarded – 10/2022-9/2023 [completed]

  • Valuing Multiple-Use Water Systems for Small-Scale Farmers, United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (Land and Water Division), awarded $33,000 [completed]

  • Mali Water Security and Food Security Sub-project, USAID, Feed the Future, Innovation Laboratory for Small-Scale Irrigation (ILSSI), (AID-OAA-13-00054) Nicole Lefore (Jepson Co-PI, $150,000), 10/2019-10/2023 [completed]

  • “Pathways to Sustainable Urban Water Security Transitions: Desalination and Water Reuse in the 21st Century” , Texas A&M University, Presidential Excellence Grant Program, PI Jepson (Co-PIs, Christian Brannstrom, Mark Holtzapple, Robert Greer, Kent Portney, John Tracy, Sierra Woodruff (2018-2021, $1,500,000). [completed]

  • Research Collaboration Network “RCN: Building a Community of Practice for Household Water Insecurity (HWISE) Research,” National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences, PI Jepson with Co-PIs Justin Stoler (University of Miami), Amber Wutich (Arizona State University), and Sera Young (Northwestern University) awarded $499,036 7/2018-7/2024

  • Urban Water Provisioning Systems and Household Water Security, National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences, (PI Jepson, 2016-2019), Award: $254,000. [completed]