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College of Arts & Sciences

The department has annual distinguished lectureships that are awarded to eminent scholars according to the intent of the awards. These are listed below.

F. A. Cotton Medal

The medal was established in 1994 by the Texas A&M Section of the American Chemical Society and the Chemistry Department of Texas A&M University. First awarded on March 31, 1995 to Frank Albert Cotton, the medal is supported by an initial endowment of over $100,000. The funds were raised, in conjunction with Contemporary Inorganic Chemistry: A Symposium in Honor of F. A. Cotton, by Carlos A. Murillo, a long-time friend and co-worker.

A. I. Scott Medal

The award was established in 2008 by the Texas A&M Section of the American Chemical Society and the Chemistry Department of Texas A&M University. The award is supported by an endowment from Ms. Elizabeth Scott in loving memory of her husband, the late Professor A.I. Scott.

Covestro Distinguished Lectureship

The Bayer Distinguished Lectureship at Texas A&M University was established in 2012, across the College of Engineering and College of Science, to allow for the attraction of speakers external from the United States, whose research programs focus broadly on the science and engineering of macromolecular systems. Effective September 1, 2015, Bayer MaterialScience separated from Bayer AG and officially adopted its new name - Covestro. Therefore, in 2015, this lectureship was renamed as the Covestro Distinguished Lectureship. Our Covestro Distinguished Lectureship committee is comprised of Professors Lei Fang (Chemistry), Jaime Grunlan (Mechanical Engineering), Jodie Lutkenhaus (Chemical Engineering), Svetlana Sukhishvili (Materials Science and Engineering) and Karen Wooley (Chemistry).

Clearfield Endowed Lecturer

Endowed by Abraham and Ruth Clearfield, the Clearfield Lectureship had its inaugural lecture in 2008.

Year Lecturer Affiliation
2008 Allen Bard UT, Austin
2009 Hai-Lung Dai Temple University
2010 Daniel Nocera MIT
2012 William (Bill) Duax SUNY, Buffalo
2014 Rich Eisenberg University of Rochester
2015 Simon Billinge Columbia University

Frontiers Lecture Series

The Frontiers in Chemical Research program of the Department of Chemistry at Texas A&M University is a Distinguished Lecture Series course devoted to In-depth presentations of current developments in important areas of contemporary chemistry.
In this program, the chemistry faculty selects and invites prominent chemists from all over the world to present three formal lectures that describe their most recent significant research results. In addition to the seminars, each Frontiers speaker will meet with graduate students in formal discussion sessions. The speaker would also be available for private conferences with departmental instructional and research staff.