Core Curriculum Courses
Are you looking for cool classes that satisfy core curriculum requirements? Geography offers several interesting courses that are more than just maps. You can explore Earth's ecosystems, the effects of climate change, human-environment interaction, geopolitics and global cultures.
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GEOG 201: Introduction to Human Geography - 3 Lecture Hours
A survey of the major systems of man-land relations of the world and their dissimilar developments; the processes of innovation, diffusion and adaptation stressed with regard to changing relationships between people and their environment.
Fulfills the Social and Behavioral Science core curriculum requirement and the International and Cultural Diversity graduation requirement.
GEOG 202: Geography of the Global Village - 3 Lecture Hours
Survey of world regions; globalization; environmental problems at multiple scales; human-environment interactions; cultural coherence and diversity; population and settlement; geopolitics; social and economic development; place identification.
Fulfills the Language, Philosophy and Culture core curriculum requirement and the International and Cultural Diversity graduation requirement.
GEOG 203: Planet Earth - 3 Lecture Hours
Earth’s physical environment including climate, water, landforms and ecosystems; processes that control these systems and their global distributions; human effects on these processes.
Fulfills the Life and Physical Science core curriculum requirement.
GEOG 205: Environmental Change - 3 Lecture Hours
Systems perspective on important attributes, elements and connections within Earth's physical environment; dynamic nature of environment at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Fulfills the Life and Physical Science core curriculum requirement and the Cultural Discourse graduation requirement.
GEOG 213: Planet Earth Lab - 1 Lab Hour
Exercises and maps to illustrate principles of physical geography.
Fulfills the Life and Physical Science core curriculum requirement.
GEOG 301: Geography of the United States - 3 Lecture Hours
Geographic personality (physical and cultural) of the United States.
Fulfills the Language, Philosophy and Culture core curriculum requirement and the International and Cultural Diversity graduation requirement.
GEOG 305: Geography of Texas - 3 Lecture Hours
Exploration into the geographic personality of Texas; past and current physical and biotic environments; cultural pluralism, including ethnic origins and distinctive human ecologies; and the social, economic and political sources of environmental problems.
Fulfills the Language, Philosophy and Culture core curriculum requirement.