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College of Arts & Sciences

Welcome! Are you curious about exorcism in medieval art, how the world’s religious traditions might just be on track to make the world more environmentally sustainable, or what ancient sacred texts biblical scholars and archeologists have recently discovered? Then you are curious about religious studies! With a major and a minor in religious studies, Texas A&M University invites students to explore the world’s religious traditions from an interdisciplinary academic perspective.

Courses integrate the study of religion with other academic  disciplines, to give you a multi-dimensional understanding of religion as an aspect of human culture and experience. All coursework emphasizes critical thinking and written expression.


Blue sky with clouds

“My favorite part of this program is having the opportunity to learn from incredible faculty who are committed to helping their students better understand the complex effects of religion on our world.”


– Sarah Rutherford, University Studies – Religious Thought, Practices, and Cultures Concentration Major, Texas A&M Class of ‘22

Why study religion?

Religion has been an essential aspect of human culture for millennia. Today religion is a challenging and fascinating area of study. Studying religion as a human phenomenon, with social, political, and personal dimensions, deepens your knowledge and broadens your perspectives.  You will gain analytical skills essential for global citizens as you explore the complexity of human experience. When you take Religious Studies courses at Texas A&M, you’ll consider questions such as these:

  • How are religious beliefs and practices intertwined with human interaction — from social and political systems to the family?
  • How do people’s perceptions of a divine or sacred dimension shape their actions?
  • How do people communicate their religious orientation to others?
  • What questions has religion sought to answer, and how do different religions answer those questions?
  • How do scholars approach religion as a uniquely human phenomenon?
  • What is the role of religion in global conflicts?
  • How have religious traditions changed over time?
  • What are the implications of religious belief or faith for people’s values and ethics?
  • How do religion and science interact?
  • How does belief or faith give rise to intellectual and artistic expression?
  • What is the relationship between religion and secularity?