Event Title: Myths, Memory, and Indigenous Survival in the Gulf South. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Ellis, Princeton Associate Professor and Author. Date 23 February 2024. Time 3:30 PM-4:30 PM. Location: Forsyth Galleries, Room 2428, Second Floor of the MSC. Sponsors: Texas A&M History Department, Glasscock Center for the Humanities, Indigenous Studies Working Group, and the University Art Galleries.

Event Title: Book Talk Q&A—The Yankee Plague. Speaker: Dr. Lorien Foote, Texas A&M University. Date: 28 March 2024. Time: 7:00 PM. Location: Glasscock Library (107). Sponsor: Phi Alpha Theta.

Event Title: Fallon-Marshall Lecture—Navigating Myth and Politics to Interpret Texas History. Speaker: Dr. Carlos Blanton, Professor of History. Date: 10 April 2024. Time: 1:30 PM. Location: MSC 2400. Sponsor: Texas A&M University College of Arts and Sciences.