Phi Alpha Theta
At Texas A&M University, you can join Phi Alpha Theta, the national History honors society. Phi Alpha Theta seeks to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. Established in 1921 at the University of Arkansas, Phi Alpha Theta now has more than 700 chapters in 50 states. Sigma Rho is the accredited local chapter at Texas A&M University.
Phi Alpha Theta members enjoy a variety of benefits including:
- Six annual paper prizes
- Numerous undergraduate and graduate scholarships
- Presentation of papers at the biennial convention
- Publication of papers in The Historian, a respected historical quarterly journal
To join, contact Texas A&M advisor Dr. Verity McInnis, 111B Glasscock Bldg, at 979-845-7151 or veritygm@tamu.edu. You can also download a Phi Alpha Theta membership application (PDF).
The History Club
The purposes of Texas A&M's History Club are to:
- Promote the study of history.
- Interest students in history as a career.
- Impart an understanding of the development and purpose of principles, research and field methodology in the historical arena.
The History Club meets once a month to discuss historical topics and socialize informally.
Membership is open to all. Come hang out!
Email tamuhistoricalsociety@gmail.com or contact Dr. Hoi-eun Kim, hekim@tamu.edu.