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College of Arts & Sciences

The Department of Global Languages and Cultures DOES NOT translate documents. However, as a service to the Texas A&M University community, we do certify translated documents required by the Office of Admissions and Records. The Department does not charge for this service, but we ask that any request for a certification be made several weeks in advance of when the document is due.  If the document is lengthy it will take longer. Our faculty are busy, and they do this as a courtesy over and above their teaching and research duties.

If you have a document translated from any one of the languages listed below to English that needs certified, please contact Ede Hilton-Lowe by email at  She will respond to your message with further instructions on how to submit your documents.

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Latin
  • Russian
If you need to have a document translated, you may ask to have your request forwarded to our listserv. If a faculty member is willing to accept the job, then it will be their responsibility to get in touch with you and negotiate fees and deadlines. Please be advised that there is no certainty that your request will be accepted, nor does the department guarantee the translation service provided.