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College of Arts & Sciences

Mindy Bergman

Editor Commendation at Journal of Business and Psychology

Awarded to papers published during the year that were of particular note



Adrienne Carter-Sowell

American Psychological Association Achievement Award for Early Career Professionals

Award to encourage promising early career psychologists



John Edens

Association for Psychological Science Fellow

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of psychology



John Edens

Theodore Millon Award in Personality Psychology

The American Psychology Foundation honors an outstanding psychologist engaged in advancing the science of personality psychology



John Edens

Top 1% of cited scientist

The ESI threshold reveals the number of citation record by the top 1% of authors and institutions and the top 50% countries and journals in a 10 year period



Stephen Maren

Top 1% of cited scientist

The ESI threshold reveals the number of citation record by the top 1% of authors and institutions and the top 50% countries and journals in a 10 year period



Mary Meagher

Association for Psychological Science Fellow

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of psychology



Les Morey

Top 1% of cited scientist

The ESI threshold reveals the number of citation record by the top 1% of authors and institutions and the top 50% countries and journals in a 10 year period 


Stephanie C. Payne

American Psychological Association Fellow

Awarded based on evidence of outstanding contribution in the field of psychology



Stephanie C. Payne

Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (Division 14 of APA) Fellow

Recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of I/O psychology, including having a national impact on the field



Stephanie C. Payne

Editor Commendation at Journal of Business and Psychology

Awarded to papers published during the year that were of particular note



Brandon Schmeichel

Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize through the Society for Personality and Social Psychology

For the paper “Why self-control seems (but may not be) limited”. The prize recognizes the most theoretically innovative articles of the year that are likely to generate the discovery of new hypotheses, new phenomena, or new ways of thinking about the discipline of social/personality psychology.


Brandon Schmeichel

Association for Psychological Science Fellow

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of psychology.



Brandon Schmeichel

Society for Personality and Social Psychology Fellow

This status reflects outstanding research contributions in the field.



Brandon Schmeichel

Top 1% of cited scientist

The ESI threshold reveals the number of citation record by the top 1% of authors and institutions and the top 50% countries and journals in a 10 year period 


Doug Snyder

American Psychological Association (Division 29) Distinguished Psychologist Award

For Contributions to Psychology and Psychotherapy: award for lifetime contributions to the field.