Courtney Schumacher
  • E.D. Brockett Professor of Geosciences
  • Professor


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Research Interests

  • Tropical Meteorology
    My research focuses on a wide range of atmospheric convective processes in the tropics, from small cumulus to large mesoscale convective systems. I am interested in the environmental factors that affect precipitation production and convective organization.
  • Radar Meteorology
    Radar is a key tool in my work because of its ability to observe precipitation and storm structure over large time and space scales. I've used both ground-based and space-borne radars to create climatologies useful in understanding tropical convective processes and subtropical precipitating systems.
  • Mesoscale-climate interactions
    This component of my research pairs observations of precipitation and storm structure with mesoscale and global circulation models to better understand the interaction between mesoscale systems and the large-scale circulation.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., University of Washington, 2003
  • M.S., Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, 2000
  • B.A., Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 1994