The department offers a range of unique research and teaching facilities that make our department a top choice among undergraduate and graduate students in the Atmospheric Sciences. Undergraduate students get to operate the Climavision Radar, from a control station on the 12th floor of Eller O&M Building. The Climavision Radar is operated by students during periods of active weather in the area, often serving as a backup observation for local National Weather Service forecast offices. The Broadcasting Center, also on the 12th floor, features a green-screen room where the next generation of TV forecasters learn the ropes, as well as a sound-proof recording studio where students record the latest weather forecast to be heard on the local public radio station.
Just outside the recording booth is the department's Weather Center, our students' favorite meeting place to watch and study the latest weather data and to observe cold fronts roll in from the north. One of the screens in the weather center shows data from the department's own Weather Station, eight miles off campus. For an even closer look at the local weather, faculty and students can access the 15th floor Observatory, which provides a 360 degree view of the Bryan/College Station area and its weather. Undergraduate class-time is often spend in the department's two computer labs on the 11th and 12th floors of Eller O&M.