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College of Arts & Sciences

Core Curriculum

The Core Curriculum is a common set of requirements that must be satisfied by all Texas A&M graduates. The requirements are outlined in your undergraduate catalog. The core curriculum requirements do not add extra hours to your chemistry degree plan. They just dictate, to some extent, your freedom to choose electives so they are frequently referred to as Directed Electives. Information about what courses can be used to fulfill each Core Curriculum requirement can be found at the Core Curriculum web site.

BA and BS Degrees

The set of prescribed courses is referred to as a degree plan. This is a suggested outline of when you should take courses. You should try to adhere to this schedule as closely as possible although the timing of some courses is more critical than others.

The B.S. and B.A. degree plans both require completion of 120 credit hours of course work under catalog #139 (i.e. the 20016-17 catalog). The major points of difference are compared below:

Requirements B.S. B.A.
Hours of Chemistry 56 credit hours 40 credit hours
Hours of mathematics  15 credit hours 8 credit hours
Hours of Physics 8 credit hours 8 credit hours
Hours of undirected electives 14 credit hours 37 credit hours
Hours of remaining core curriculum 27 credit hours  27 credit hours
Minor or Track (hours will vary) optional required
Research  required optional

student holding a beaker filled with blue liquid

Course descriptions for all undergraduate chemistry courses are found in the Undergraduate Catalog.