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College of Arts & Sciences

At Texas A&M University's Department of Communication and Journalism, research
serves as a catalyst for change, not merely an academic exercise. We are dedicated to
developing knowledge that benefits the public good and reaches beyond the confines of
academia to influence real-world outcomes. Our department seeks to merge theoretical
exploration with practical applications to tackle critical societal issues.

The research of our faculty and students spans diverse interests, including public and
civic engagement—encompassing communication ethics, political campaigns, and
advocacy—and cultural studies that delve into media histories, social inequities, and
cultural production. These focus areas underscore our commitment to understanding
and influencing the processes that shape public discourse and behavior. Faculty and
students also investigate the effects of emerging media and information technologies on
society, with the goal of informing policies and practices that enhance health, equity, and
informed citizenship. Our research on misinformation, public health challenges, and
social inequities helps promote innovative new strategies to improve societal well-being.

We invite students, scholars, and practitioners to join our research endeavors. Whether
by advancing theoretical frameworks, applying research to address practical issues, or
influencing policy decisions, the Department of Communication and Journalism at Texas
A&M University is devoted to producing work that furthers social good — research that
informs, educates, and drives societal transformation.