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In 2016, Dr. and Mrs. Klein honored the outstanding contributions made by their son, Dr. Andrew Klein, to the TAMU Department of Geography by founding the Klein Family Award. The Klein Family Award is bestowed annually to the top continuing student in the TAMU Department of Geography. This award is open to current undergraduate Geography and GIST majors who will not be graduating at the end of the current term. The winner of the Klein Family award will receive a scholarship in the amount of $1,000.


Full-time students not graduating at the end of the current term, currently enrolled at Texas A&M University within the Department of Geography are eligible to win this award. This award is open to undergraduate students.

Evaluation Criteria

The TAMU Department of Geography Undergraduate Committee will review applicants and application materials, choose a winner, and make the announcement of the winner by the end of the semester. The following criteria will be used to assess applicants:

  1. Academic success at TAMU and in the TAMU Department of Geography
  2. Involvement in High-Impact Learning Experiences
  3. Involvement in Student Organizations
  4. Involvement in Student Leadership