Mark Everett
  • Professor of Geophysics
  • Howard Karren Professor
  • Near-surface Applied Geophysics
Research Areas
  • Earth Resources & Resilience
  • Environmental & Engineering Geology & Geophysics



GEOP 313 Geophysical Field Methods

GEOP 413 Near-Surface Applied Geophysics

GEOP 450 Geology Senior Project

     Recent themes:

     1. Geoscience onshore-offshore connectivity

     2. Ground-penetrating radar imaging of the terrestrial subsurface

     3. Critical mineral requirements for the energy transition

Research Interests

  • Near-surface applied geophysics 
  • Controlled-source electromagnetics
  • Ground-penetrating radar
  • Electrical resistivity tomography 
  • Archaeological, geotechnical and agricultural applications of geophysics
  • Geophysical responses of complex geological systems 
  • Inductive reasoning and time series analysis

Research Focus

  • Near-surface Applied Geophysics

Educational Background

  • 1985 BSc Physics York University (Canada)
  • 1987 MSc Physics York University (Canada)
  • 1991 PhD Geophysics University of Toronto

Selected Publications

  • 2023 JM Martin ME Everett
       A methodology for the self-training and self-assessing of new GPR
       practitioners: Measuring diagnostic proficiency illustrated by a case study
       of a historic African-American cemetery for unmarked graves
        Archaeol. Prosp. DOI: 10.1002/arp.1893
    2022 JM Martin ME Everett PK Knappett RC Ewing
       Preferential flow in alluvial floodplains: a key to modeling
       and sustainably managing shallow groundwater resources
        Near Surface Geophysics DOI: 10.1002/nsg.12245

  • 2022 BA Weymer ME Everett A Haroon M Jegen A Micallef C Berndt
       HA Michael R Evans VEA Post
       The coastal transition zone is an underexplored frontier in hydrology and geoscience
        Comm Earth Environ 3 323-330
    2022 M Brankovic ME Everett
       A method for modeling acoustic waves in moving subdomains
        Acoustics 4 394-405
    2022 MJ Couchman ME Everett
       Feasibility of a surface-based controlled source electromagnetic method
       for detection of buried pipelines and corrosion effects
        ASCE J Infrastructure Systems 28 art. no. 4022010
    2022 K Gurajo E Gildin RL Gibson ME Everett
       Investigation of strain fields generated by hydraulic fracturing with
       analytical and numerical modeling of fiber optic response
        SPE Reservoir Evaluation Engineering 25 367-379
    2021 A Agbona B Teare H Ruiz-Guzman ID Dobreva ME Everett T Adams
       OA Montesinos-Lopez PA Kulakow DB Hays
       Prediction of root biomass in cassava based on ground penetrating
       radar phenomics
        Remote Sensing 13 4908
    2021 MR Waters JL Keene ER Prewitt ME Everett T Laughlin TW Stafford
       Late Quaternary geology, archaeology, and geoarchaeology of Hall's cave, Texas
        Quaternary Science Reviews 274 107276
    2021 R Arjwech T Ruansorn M Schulmeister ME Everett T Thittimakorn
       P Pondthai K Somchat
       Protection of electricity transmission infrastructure from sinkhole hazard
       based on electrical resistivity tomography
        Engineering Geology 293 106318
    2021 D Hanssens E Van De Vijver W Waegeman, ME Everett I Moffat A Sarris
       P De Smedt
       Ambient temperature and relative humidity based drift correction in ground-based
       frequency domain electromagnetics using machine learning
        Near Surface Geophysics 19 541-556
    2021 ME Everett T DeSmet R Warden H Ruiz Guzman P Gavette J Hagin
       The fortress beneath: ground penetrating radar at the Citadel in Alcatraz:
       1. a guide to general interpretation
        Heritage 4 1328-1347
    2021 R Arjwech, ME Everett S Chaisuriya W Youngme
       J Rattanawannee S Saengchomphu
       Using of electrical resistivity tomography to detect the hidden
       Thakek fault, northeast Thailand
        Near Surface Geophysics 19 489-501
    2021 M Brankovic E Gildin RL Gibson ME Everett
       A machine learning-based seismic data compression and interpretation
       using a novel shifted-matrix decomposition algorithm
        Applied Sciences 11 4874
    2021 ID Dobreva HA Ruiz-Guzman I Barrios-Perez T Adams ME Everett MD
       Burow P Payton and DB Hays
       Thresholding analysis and feature extraction from 3D ground penetrating
       radar data for noninvasive assessment of peanut yield
        Remote Sensing 13  24pp
    2021 JM Martin ME Everett PK Knappett
       Coupling hydrogeophysics with hydrodynamic modeling to infer subsurface
       hydraulic architecture of an alluvial floodplain
        Near Surface Geophysics 19 335-352
    2021 A Micallef R Marchis N Saadatkhah RC Gispert P Pondthai ME Everett
       A Avram A Timar-Gabor D Cohen RP Trapani B Weymer
       Groundwater erosion of coastal gullies along the Canterbury coast (New Zealand):
       A rapid and episodic process controlled by rainfall intensity and substrate variability
        Earth Surface Dynamics 9 1-18
    2021 R Arjwech ME Everett S Saengchomphu K Somchat P Pondthai
       Geophysical mapping of gypsum for exploration of reserves in the
       Nong Bua area of Thailand
        Quart J Eng Geol Hydrogeol 54 qjegh2019-180
    2020 K Phengnaone R Arjwech ME Everett
       2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method to delineate coal
       seams: case studies on lignite and anthracite
        Songklanakarin J Sci Technol 42 844-849
    2020 BA Weymer PA Wernette ME Everett P Pondthai M Jegen A Micallef
       Multi-layered permeability conduits connecting onshore and offshore
       coastal aquifers
        Frontiers Marine Science 7 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.531293 19pp
    2020 R Arjwech ME Everett M Schulmeister
       Soil salinity mapping of an urbanizing area in northeast Thailand
        Quart J Eng Geol Hydrogeol 53 413-424
    2020 P Pondthai ME Everett A Micallef BA Weymer Z Faghih A Haroon M Jegen
       3D characterization of a coastal freshwater aquifer in SE Malta
       (Mediterranean Sea) by time-domain electromagnetics
        Water 12  23pp
    2020 R Arjwech K Somchat P Pondthai ME Everett M Schulmeister
       S Saengchomphu
       Assessment of geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical
       characteristics of a proposed waste disposal site: a case study
       in Khon Kaen, Thailand
        Geosciences 10 doi:10.3390/geosciences10030109 18pp
    2019 ME Everett AD Chave
       Energy flow in terrestrial controlled-source electromagnetic geophysics
        European J Physics 40 065202 12pp
    2019 ME Everett AD Chave
       On the physical principles underlying electromagnetic induction
        Geophysics 84 W21-W32
    2019 T Sartima R Arjwech ME Everett
       Geophysical mapping of shallow rock salt at Borabue, northeast Thailand
        Near Surface Geophys 17 403-416
    2019 R Arjwech ME Everett
       Electrical resistivity tomography at construction sites in northeast Thailand
       with implications for building foundation design
        J Eng Environ Geophys 24 333-340
    2019 T de Smet ME Everett RR Warden T Komas JN Hagin P Gavette
       JA Martini L Barker
       Fate of the historic fortifications at Alcatraz island based on virtual
       ground-testing of ground-penetrating radar interpretations from
       the recreation yard
        Near Surface Geophys 17 151-168
    2019 JD Phillips RC Ewing R Bowling BA Weymer P Barrineau
       JA Nittrouer ME Everett
       Low-angle eolian deposits formed by protodune migration, and insights into
       slipface development at White Sands dune field New Mexico
        Aeolian Research 36 9-26