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College of Arts & Sciences

Program Requirements

The Graduate and Professional School requires a minimum of 32 hours for a master's degree (M.S.). The MSIOP program is a 33-credit hour program designed to be completed in 16-months. Students are also required to complete an internship and a qualifying exam.

Course Sequence

The curriculum complies with the Guidelines for Education and Training in I-O Psychology as recommended by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). According to the guidelines, graduates completing the I-O psychology program should possess certain competencies (i.e., general knowledge and skill areas, core content, and related competencies) needed to be successful in their I-O psychology careers.

The 16-month program is rigorous and demanding, yet productive and rewarding. Students are challenged and work hard to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their careers.

Experiential Learning and Professional Development

Hands-on learning are an essential part of the MSIOP experience and the program places an emphasis on applied skill acquisition and development. Students develop these skills by completing I-O psychology projects for local organizations through coursework and non-coursework opportunities.

Student Alumni Mentoring

Our mentoring program brings students and alumni together to help students thrive in grad school, facilitate their professional development, and support their I-O career preparation. Each new student is assigned an MS/PhD alumni mentor who volunteer their time to actively listen, offer tips on navigating grad school challenges, and provide general career advice.

Review the program's handbook to learn more about the program of study.


Buddy Program

New students often have many questions and concerns prior to matriculating and during their first semester. Buddies play an important role in making the new students feel welcome to the program and University. The MSIOP Buddy Program was created to ease the transition as returning students offer support to new students.

Buddies support new students by establishing contact with assigned student before they arrive, taking the lead in building and maintaining the connection by contacting student throughout their first semester, and offering helpful advice/suggestions/guidance and share experiences with student.